• Bye Bye Facebook

    I was a on average a daily user of Facebook from 2007 up until 2023 when I was shut out by Facebook. Over the years I found it an intriguing, interesting, delightful – and exasperating experience: So when I in 2016 made my last post on my wall I was already halfway out the door.… Continue reading

  • Judgment Day on May 21st 2011

    They say judgment day is in just 5 days, because that will be 722,500 days from 1 April AD33, which may have been the date of the crucifixion. The figure of 722,500 is important because you get it by multiplying three supposedly holy numbers (five, 10 and 17)  twice, and together with all the other… Continue reading

  • “Hello world”

    This is the classic output of a programmers first program in a new programming language. This feels a little bit like that – the first carefully placed footprints on a bright new canvas – where will this lead? I have an inkling it’s the beginning of something lasting, not just a whim. But time will… Continue reading

About Me

Hi, welcome to my blog. I’m Carsten Klouman, born 1956 in Norway, and grew up in Tanzania, partly. Back in Scandinavia I first worked in the anti-colonial and anti-apartheid solidarity movement up until liberation and democracy in South Africa. After this I transitioned over to mostly working as an IT-professional; in the beginning with the desktop database applications like FoxPro and MS-Access, later specializing in JavaScript and SQL.

I am currently semiretired living in Sweden. I’m married with 2 adult sons.


PS sorry about the ads. They are out of my control since I haven’t bought a premium subscription here on WordPress. I don’t earn anything from the ads.